Monthly Archives: May 2012

Fleeting Moment


Just for that one fleeting moment, my eyes catch yours, my heart pauses, memories flood my mind, and a tear rolls down my cheek…where did the time go?  6 lbs. and 8 oz. has turned into over 4 foot tall and 80 pounds with a quick wit and still no chance of passing the night without finding her way to my bed…either by invitation or the 2 a.m. sneak attack.  My heart has grown, it has learned to let little things go…the 4th time the Dr. Pepper gets knocked over during lunch, the 5th time she’s told you about something on television, the 13th time she’s asked if it’s okay if she pretends to be Princess Peach, or the mornings she feels the need to come out to the car and “push” me down the driveway.  Annoying?  YES!  Time consuming?  YES!  Frustrating?  YES!  Priceless… Never going to happen once she reaches a certain age… Hilarious??  YES!  YES!  YES!  It’s in those moments that you have to take a deep breath, and as you slowly exhale, you release the word…ccchhhhheeerrriiissshhh.  It’s at that time when you remember…I prayed for you.  It’s at that time you have to remind yourself…this too shall pass…and fast!  And at that point, it’s when you look in your beautiful daughter’s eyes and remember she is a gift from our Father above.  She is the product of you and your husband’s love for one another.  She is my reason for being, my reason for always being broke, my reason for getting up in the morning…she is my reason.  And at that very moment, I realize I miss her before she is even gone.